Hellenic Psychological Society (HPS)

Ελληνική Ψυχολογική Εταιρεία

HPS Statute


Name – Location – Purpose – Means

Article 1
The Society was founded under the name “Hellenic Psychological Society (HPS; EL.PS.E, In Greek).”

Article 2
Headquarters of the Society is located in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Article 3
The purpose of the society is to promote Psychology research and teaching in Greece. More specifically, the main purposes are 1) to maintain and develop the scientific communication among psychologists, who teach and nurture Psychology research at Universities and Research Institutions across the country and to support their scientific progress; 2) to disseminate scientific knowledge and experience to the public and to promote mental health; 3) to create and strengthen social relations among psychologists. The company strives to be socially present and to promote the science of Psychology, particularly through representation at national and international scientific and social organizations, as well as through the collaboration with Independent Administrative Authorities of social interest.

Article 4
Achievement of these objectives will be obtained through the organization of conferences, book and journal publications,  the facilitation of scientific and research cooperation among its members, the facilitation of the internationalization of the work its members, and, finally, through the cooperation with other scientific companies and institutions locally and internationally.

Article 5
1. HPS (EL.PS.E.) organizes a biennial National Conference. The Society assigns the organization of the Conference to one of its members, in accordance with the terms of reference and organization defined by the internal regulations.
2. HPS (EL.PS.E.) publishes the journal “Psychology”, whose Editorial Board is elected by the General Assembly held every four years. The internal regulation determines the management and operation of the magazine, as well as other related topics.



Article 6
HPS members may belong to one of the following three categories:
a) Full Members. Requirement for registration of a candidate as a Full Member is holding a doctoral degree in psychology. Exception to this requirement may only be made in cases where the contribution of this member’s research, practice or dissemination of psychological knowledge is extremely important. In this case, however, the application must be signed by two members of the Board of Directors, supported by the recommendation of the related Division, and accepted by the two thirds of the members of the General Assembly that are present. Only Full Members have voting rights during the General Assembly and Meetings of the HPS, as well as the right to elect its Executive Council. The registration is done after submitting the required application to the Board.
b) Non-full members. The status of the non-full member is assigned after a proposal from two members to the Board and acceptance of this proposal by at least five members of the Board. Non-full members participate in the scientific activities of the Divisions and Division Coordinators ensure their participation in committees related to their scientific interests. Non-Full members have the right to speak at the General Assembly of the Society but may not vote or be elected to the Executive Council. Non-full members may become Full members provided they meet the requirements for full membership.
c) Honorary members. The status of honorary member is assigned to Greek or foreign scientists whose contribution to the advancement of psychology has been of great importance. This status is attributed to the General Assembly of the HPS after a proposal by the Executive Council. For the approval of the proposal, two thirds of the members present during the General Assembly should be positive.

Article 7
Each member of the Society, who has not paid a membership fee for two years or longer is deleted automatically from the HPS records following a decision of the Executive Council. If any member of the HPS or the Council violates the Law on Associations or opposes the purposes of the HPS or is convicted for serious reason he/she is deleted from the Society’s records. Decision for this is taken by the General Assembly with the presence of at least 50% plus one of its members and a majority of Ύ.
Any member may request deletion at any time subject to the rights of the HPS. Any member who resigns or is deleted from the HPS records is not entitled to request any reimbursement of paid subscriptions or anything that is in the HPS’ property.

Article 8
Members should be aware of and follow the principles of ethics while performing their scientific work. Any violation of these principles is a reason for enforcement. The sanction proceedings will take effect when the relevant Code of Ethics is passed and the related committee responsible for the implementation is set.

Article 9
All full members that have paid their contribution to the HPS have the right to elect and be elected to the administrative bodies of the HPS, if they are not under legal or judicial interdiction or concept. They are also entitled to attend all HPS events. A member wishing to resign from this property must give written notice of its decision at least 30 days before the start of each calendar year.

Article 10
The following Divisions are established corresponding to internationally recognized fields of Psychology: “Cognitive Psychology”, “Cross-Cultural Psychology”, “Developmental Psychology”, “Clinical & Health Psychology”, “Social Psychology “,” Neuropsychology “, “Organizational Psychology “,” Political Psychology,”, “Personality Psychology”,” Counseling Psychology”, and “School Psychology “.

Article 11
I. Purpose, composition, and goals of the Divisions
1. Divisions of the HPS operate under the auspices of the Executive Council and the General Assembly, aiming to facilitate the internal collaboration of scientists within the same field of psychology, the interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists of all fields of psychology, as well as the expression of the HPS as a scientific society whose members are active in the same areas of scientific interest.
2. A new Division, under the preceding paragraph 1 and Article 10 of the Statute, may be formed if at least ten (10) interested members of the Company recommend this to the Executive Council. The Executive Council proposes the creation of the division to the General Assembly and the decision is taken with the vote of the majority of members.
3. The aims of the Divisions are scientific and educational, and are served through the organization of activities under the auspices of the HPS. Such activities include workshops, conferences, symposia and educational activities or publications related to the topic of each Division.
II. Operation of Divisions
1. Divisions are coordinated by two coordinators, who are elected by the members of the Division for a two-year term, during the General Assembly (GA) electing the Executive Council (EC), with a separate ballot. Voting is organized following the general principles governing the election of the Executive Council.
2. In case of resignation of or inability to fulfill the assigned duties by one or both coordinators the EC is informed. Subsequently, the President of the Society convenes on the election of one or both of the coordinators for the remainder of the term, within one month of the GA. In the absence of a simple quorum (i.e. 50% + 1 of registered members of the society), the process is repeated after one month only with the members that are present.
3. At the end of their term, Coordinators submit activity reports to their members, which are communicated to the EC before making the GA that elects a new EC.
4. At least once a year, Division Meetings should take place. During these meetings scientific and educational issues are discussed and related decisions are taken.
5. For administrative and financial matters of the Divisions the approval of the EC is required. For scientific and educational activities of the Divisions the EC is informed.
6. The EC consults Coordinators of Divisions on matters within the scientific field of the field they coordinate. To this end, the EC may, where appropriate, invite Coordinators for consultation during its meetings.
7. The EC keep Division Coordinators up to date on current financial and administrative matters.

III.  Members of the Divisions
1. Each member of the HPS may be registered in a Division after submitting an application to the EC. The EC forwards the application to the concerned Division. The Division Coordinators discuss this candidateship during the Division Meeting and after a decision is taken they recommend (or not) the candidate to the EC, which validates the decision.
2. Each member of the HPS has the right to belong to up to three different Divisions.

IV. Financial status of Divisions
1. Members pay a membership fee. The subscription is annual, it is common for all Divisions, it is determined by the EC, it is approved by the General Assembly and paid to the Treasurer of the HPS. (S)He creates and maintains a separate account for each Division, listing every kind of revenue (membership fees, net income from events, sponsorships, etc), as well as all expenses.
2. Divisions may deposit money in their account, by written request to the EC and submission of the relevant documents. The revenues and expenses of the Division, upon the recommendation of the Treasurer, are approved by the EC. For all financial activities of the Divisions a financial budget and the amount of registration fee is proposed to and approved by the EC. In case of disagreement of the EC, this should be documented. At the end of each event that is organized, an account of revenue – expenses is submitted to the EC; remaining sums are deposited in the Treasury of the Society, on behalf of the Division.
3. 15% from the net financial returns coming from events organized by the Divisions, as well as from other revenues (excluding membership fees for giving classes), is retained in favor of the HPS. The balance remains in the special account of the Division.


Resources of the Society

Article 12
The financial resources of the society are derived from the following sources:
a) Registration fees and annual membership fees.
b) Author royalties from book and journal publications.
c) Conference Organization.
d) Donations.
e) Interest from the deposits of the HPS funds.

Article 13
Registration fees and annual membership fee of the society are determined by the Annual General Assembly of the members of the Company on a proposal from the EC.

Article 14
Resources management of the Society is under the jurisdiction of the EC. The EC presents the financial statement each year to the General Assembly of members.


Structure and Function of the Society

Article 15
The society has the following bodies.
a) General Assembly. b) Executive Council. c) Executive Committee d) Division Committees and e) Special Committees.

The General Assembly (GA)

Article 16
All members are entitled to attend the General Assembly Meeting. Non-members may attend at the invitation of the EC.

Article 17
Only full members have the right to vote.

Article 18
The General Assembly of the members is convened once a year. Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened if requested so in writing by 25% of the active members of the HPS.

Article 19
The agenda of the Annual General Assembly must always include the following:
a) Report of the EC on the activities of the Company.
b) The financial statement of the Company.
c) Next year planning.
d) The organization of the next General Assembly.
The agenda of the election-review meeting, next to the above, should also include:
a) The notice for the election of the new EC members.
b) The notice for the Divisions’ coordinators election.
c) Election of Audit Committee
d) Assignment of the next bi-Annual National Conference of the Society
e) The election of the Editorial Board of the Society’s journal when necessary.

Article 20
Decisions of the General Assembly are taken by absolute majority of the full members, except where otherwise provided in this Statute.

Article 21
HPS members are convened in a General Meeting once a year at the invitation of the EC. The General Assembly is notified eight (8) days before the meeting by the President, by announcement, invitation or through the press. The General Assembly of members is properly constituted when half plus one of the members who have fulfilled their financial obligations are attending. Failure in obtaining the necessary number of participants leads to repetition of the Assembly eight (8) days from the cancellation; it is then considered properly constituted with any number of members being present.

Article 22
The General Assembly elects -by simple majority- a President, who chairs the Assembly.
When elections for the new EC are imminent, the GA elects a three-member Election Commission, which ensures the impeccable conduct of elections.

Article 23
Votes for general matters are done with show of hands, whereas for personal matters they are done with secret ballots.

Executive Council (EC)

Article 24
The EC is subject to control by the General Assembly of members, performs its decisions, handle the affairs of the HPS during the periods between General Assemblies, and represents the society in contacts and negotiations with other associations, organizations and institutions.

Article 25
The mandate of the Council is two years.

Article 26
In the last month before the end of its term, the EC convenes the General Assembly comprising review and approval of activities and elections for the new EC. The EC is elected by the members at a regular or an extraordinary General Assembly by secret ballot for two years. Its statute is made within ten (10) days of the election. The election to office is by simple majority. Besides the members of the EC, three (3) alternates are also elected, that replace members who leave the EC for any reason before the expiration of their term.

Article 27
Only members who have been members for one year (until the last General Assembly) have the right to vote.

Article 28
The EC consists of nine members.
a) President b) Secretary c) Treasurer d) the current President of the Congress of the Society and e) five simple members.
Care is taken to ensure the widest possible representation of different regions and universities around the country, particularly regional, between the candidates for the EC.

Article 29
The EC takes care of all matters related to the HPS that are not within the competence of the General Assembly. The President represents the EC on judicial matters and before any other authority, presides and conducts the meetings and signs with the Secretary all documents of the association. Also, (s)he can undertake other duties in accordance with relevant decisions of the General Assembly or the EC.
The Secretary signs with the President all the documents of the Society, keeps register of members, minutes, notes of the EC meetings and the General Assembly and conducts all related correspondence. (S)He is responsible to bring to the attention of the Society or of the EC issues that, according to his/her opinion, are important for the company. The Secretary supervises and communicates the formal invitations and meeting documents, and announces the election results. The Treasurer shall keep a record of the Fund that s/he updates regularly, keeps the receipts, manages the assets and is responsible for all payments and receipts of the Society. The Treasurer shall be subject to all statutory audits related to the management of the HPS’s assets.

Article 30
In case of death, incapacity or resignation of the President, the Secretary or the Treasurer, the position is filled by election among the remaining members of the EC. The number of EC members is complemented by the alternates.

Article 31
Each member of the EC may be removed from his/her position if, upon motion signed by 25% of the regular members, this is decided by the General Assembly of the members by a majority of two thirds of the present full members. The motion may be made for cases of behavior causing moral or physical damage to the Society or when it is clear that the member does not share or combats the HPS’s purposes.

Article 32
Greeks from Cyprus, Constantinople, Imbros, and Tenedos may be elected as EC members

Article 33
The EC meets after invitation stating the issues to be discussed and signed by the President and Secretary. The meeting has a quorum if at least five members are present. Decisions are taken by simple majority of members present.

Article 34
The EC may establish special committees to organize scientific conferences, symposia, seminars or meetings and working groups with a specific purpose. Also, in order to promote the company’s relations with other scientific societies may appoint any member of the company as an official spokesperson. The General Assembly members can also set special committees or representatives to organize scientific conferences, symposia, seminars or meetings.

Auditing Committee

Article 36
The Auditing Committee consists of three members, elected for two years at the General Assembly Meeting during which the EC is elected.
The Auditing Committee has the task to audit the activities of the EC. For this purpose, controls all the management books of the Fund of the Society, establishes a balance and report each year, together with a report submitted for approval to the GA.

Modification of Statute

Article 37
Amending the Statute is possible on a proposal from the EC or 25% of the members entitled to vote at a specially convened General Assembly Meeting. The proposal must be notified by or through the EC members 30 days before the Special Assembly. The Meeting must be attended by at least half plus one of the full members in good standing and the decision is taken by an absolute majority of ¾ of the members present. Any amendment is void if passed by fewer than 20 of its members entitled to vote.

Dissolution of the Society

Article 38
The Society may be dissolved at any time by decision of the General Meeting of members. The proposal for the dissolution of the Society and its approval is subject to the procedure described in Article 33 of the Statute.

Article 39
The Society has a stamp bearing the words “Hellenic Psychological Society” (HPS).
If the Association dissolves, its property will revert to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Thessaloniki, 17/5/2009